Holiday Gift Guide: Shop Local Museums for Gifts that Wow!
Shop at local museum stores for unique holiday gifts you can’t find at the mall or big box stores.
Spring Re-Openings at San Diego Museums
Ready to return? Discover which of your favorite San Diego museums are re-opening this Spring.
What’s Open? Museum Updates (February 2021)
Get help navigating which museums in San Diego County are currently open to the public.
Where to Enjoy Free Museum Experiences in San Diego
San Diego museums offer lots of options for free family fun – in October or year-round.
“Return to Learn” with Virtual Resources from San Diego Museums
From virtual field trips to fun activities, museum resources bring curriculum to life – at home.
San Diego Museums Are Open for Virtual Fun This Summer
Join San Diego museums for a summer of (virtual) culture and fun!
San Diego’s Vibrant Museum Community Welcomes You Back
As COVID-19 restrictions begin to loosen, many of San Diego’s favorite museums are re-opening.
“Museum from Home” with Resources, Activities and Virtual Experiences
San Diego’s cultural institutions find creative ways to serve communities during the shutdown.