Located in the vibrant arts district of Liberty Station is Visions Art Museum, which focuses on contemporary quilts, textiles and fiber as fine art. Think you are not a quilt lover? Then you haven’t seen this museum yet! During Museum Month, you can check out two striking new exhibitions that opened January 15. A Better World: Heroes for the Greater Good, is a group exhibition featuring art quilts designed to inspire and educate viewers about heroes, both well-known and anonymous, who have worked to improve the world. Classic Wheels, Rusted Memories is described as the “penultimate recycling program.” Artist Esterita Austin was inspired by a junkyard of rusted vintage cars being reclaimed by natured, resulting in a series of artworks based on old automobile bodies. (Note: The Museum offers free admission year-round.)

Marine Corps Recruit Depot Command Museum
The Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) Command Museum opened its doors in 1987 and has served the Recruit Depot/Western Recruiting Region through its mission to train recruits and provide for the continuing education of Marines. It also serves as a bridge to the civilian community. The Museum’s focus is the history of the Marine Corps in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the history of the Marines in Southern California. In addition to its many galleries, the Museum also maintains a Reference Center that includes an Archives and Research Library, a theater, a Visitor Reception Center, and a gift shop. Public access to the Museum is subject to base access procedures. See website for details.

The Museum strives to be a catalyst for the celebration of America’s past and promise, by providing inspiring educational and cultural programs that honor our community’s diverse immigrant experiences. In February, the Museum is opening a new exhibit, Afromexicans: Silenced Diaspora No More. Check their website for the latest updates.